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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Great Garden Group

I am doing a gardeners group at the school. I teach people to look after a garden . 19 people help me with the garden. I am the assistant care-taker of my school. My assistant, Bridie,  helps me
manage the group . Every Friday  up to 5 people help me manage the school garden . I am the president and Bridie is the vice president . Great garden group rules!          

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mt Ruapehu Trip

On Monday Studio Two went skiing on Mount Ruapehu,  it was fun. My  favourite parts were the chair lift, the magic carpet and skiing super fast down the slopes then stopping hard and doing a two metre skid down the slope! My lesson was fun but my free skiing was more fun. On the big chair lift I dropped my pole  and a ski getting on and  face planted getting off then I skied up to the magic carpet. Next I skied down to the bottom of the magic carpet.  We went home with' two direction'(Ethan and Adam) singing their newest big hit 'Ari there yet' all the way  back to school. It was cool having two famous kid rock stars in my Mum's car. When we got back to school it was tea time, we all went home tired, hungry and cold, it was a  fun day!

Monday, August 26, 2013


The Secretary Bird lives on the plains of South Africa, it is a hawk over four feet in height! With long legs and distinctive plumes at the back of it`s head. With the Secretary Birds great height and weight it amazingly can still fly a great height and distance. The Secretary bird is a bird of prey, a great hunter of the south African plains. I think Secretary birds are cool.